ISE Daily - ISE 2025


ISE Daily

  • Makes a strong impact on site
  • Reaches ISE attendees before, during and after the show

The official newspaper of ISE, the ISE Daily is produced on site at the Fira and distributed each day of the show. The team also produces the digital ISE Daily Preview, released in January, and a series of official ISE newsletters running from December to after the show ends.

Promotional opportunities include display and online newsletter banners.

Daily 2024 Day 1

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The ISE Daily is produced by Future – the publisher of Installation, Systems Contractor News, AV Technology, and TVBEurope – which has published the ISE Daily since 2006.



Hayley Brailey-Woolfson (+44 7787 437039)

Adam Goldstein  (+1 917-922-9872)

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