Official Supplier Verification


Have I been contacted by an ISE Official Supplier?

Official ISE Suppliers are designated vendors that Integrated Systems Events has engaged to provide services to exhibitors and/or attendees in support of the show. They can be recognised in their communications by our Official Supplier logo.

Unless you have been informed otherwise by us, these are the only companies we have authorised to contact you to offer services in connection with the show.

ISE Official Suppliers

These are the ISE Official Suppliers that are likely to contact you in connection with your presence at the show:

  • Abraxys Global (stand design approval)
  • bnetwork (accommodation and transport)
  • buildUP by Fira (stand design services)
  • CEVA Showfreight (logistics and freight forwarding)
  • Future (ISE Daily newspaper and ISE Official Newsletter)
  • IML/Inavate (RISE magazine and RISE Show TV)
  • MapYourShow (online floorplan and listings)
  • Servifira (exhibitor services)
  • Xcalibre Communications (Official Show Guide)

Exhibitors can find a complete list of ISE Official Suppliers, more information about them, in the ISE 2025 Event Manual. Organisations that are not listed above or in the Event Manual may not describe themselves as ISE Official Suppliers and are not authorised to use the Official Supplier logo.

Other companies

While there are many legitimate companies offering services around the ISE show, Integrated Systems Events is not able to advise on the suitability of suppliers with no connection to us.

ISE attendee lists - a warning

Please note that Integrated Systems Events does not sell or otherwise make public the list of ISE attendees. Any communications offering such lists should be ignored.

Still not sure?

If, after reading this page, you're still unsure of the status of any supplier that has contacted you, please send an email to and we'll be pleased to assist you.

ISE Partners

no content here, this panel is used only to display the main title

Media Partners