Employee Retention Workshop Part 2: Creating an Employee Retention Plan



Employee Retention Workshop Part 2: Creating an Employee Retention Plan

31 Jan 2024
Employee Retention Workshop Part 2: Creating an Employee Retention Plan

Note: Please ensure to register for and attend Part 1 of this workshop on Tues 30th Jan, 14:30pm.

Now that you've gained insights into your company's employee retention challenges and opportunities, it's time to develop a concrete plan to ensure your employees know you're invested in their long-term success. You will walk away with a plan that can be implemented immediately to build systems to retain employees, and increase their efficiency and productivity enabling you to increase profit and attract more valuable talent.  


Agenda for Part 2: 


  1. Based on Your Assessment, Create a Plan: Building on the self-assessment from Part 1 of this workshop, you will work on creating a customized employee retention plan tailored to your organization's needs. This plan will encompass strategies to enhance the work environment, improve employee engagement, and boost overall job satisfaction. 


  1. Implementing Your Plan: Once you've developed your employee retention plan, we'll guide you through the process of implementing it effectively within your organization. This includes setting goals, identifying key performance indicators, and creating a timeline for execution. 


  1. Resources from CEDIA: In this session, we will provide additional resources and expert guidance from CEDIA to support you in executing your retention plan. From expert insights to success stories, CEDIA's resources are designed to help you make a lasting impact on employee retention. 


By the end of this workshop, you will have a deeper understanding of employee retention challenges and opportunities, a customized employee retention plan, and access to valuable resources to help you create a work environment where your employees feel valued, motivated, and committed to your organization's success. Join us to transform your workforce into a loyal and motivated team. 

Jon Rehwaldt, Director of Curriculum - CEDIA

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