What's next in the live events market

What's next in the live events market
‘Live events surge back,’ declares the latest IOTA report from AVIXA, and the figures it presents leave this in no doubt.

Expected to account for $31.7 billion of revenue in 2023, live events solutions are predicted to generate an additional $15 billion for the pro AV industry by 2028.

The desire for collective entertainment experiences after several years spent primarily at home is undoubtedly a key factor here. But live event organisers and promoters are also keen to engage with the latest technologies – not least to attract younger audience – and find ways of working that allow them to keep a lid on their energy spending and help decarbonise their operations.

It was notable that, during the lockdown periods, a number of leading rental houses pivoted into supplying kit (LED screens principally) for virtual productions, or using their own rental spaces as pop-up VP studios. These areas remain dynamic, so many companies are now juggling their interests in this space as well as those in a resurgent live events market.

Underling the importance of delivering memorable experiences in the long term, content management and services now represent the two largest shares of investment in live events solutions, according to the IOTA report. They are followed by audio equipment, whose strong performance reflects a desire by rental companies to invest in new or additional inventory as the market recovers.

Where to find live events solutions at ISE 2024

Whether it’s concerts, music festivals, sporting events or product launches, visitors want to be dazzled – and ISE has everything needed to achieve this. Your first ports of call at ISE 2024 should be Halls 1 and 7, where you’ll find the Lighting & Staging and Audio zones, respectively. The Multi-Technology Zone (Halls 3, 4 and 5) are also eminently worthy of your time.

On the display side, major brands you can expect to see at ISE include Unilumin, Leyard, Absen, Daktronics and Samsung – all of which are located in Hall 3. L-Acoustics (Hall 2), Meyer Sound (Hall 3) and d&b audiotechnik (Hall 7) are among the prominent audio brands to be exhibiting at the show.

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