Manlio Romanelli


Manlio Romanelli

Manlio Romanelli

President, M-Cube

I'm currently President of M-Cube Groupe. M-Cube, which I founded in 2001, is one of the European leading company for in-store digital customer engagement for the retail sector.

Before to join in the tech sector I have a long history as entrepreneur in real estate and facility management industry. In the past, I worked also as manager and from 1999 to 2005, I was vice president and CEO of Friulia spa, a prive equity company and from 2003 to 2012 executive VP of Acegas-Aps spa, multiutility company listed on the Milan Stock Exchange.

Since 1987 I have joined the entrepreneurial association Confcommercio - Imprese per l'Italia, working in favor of representing the interests of companies and the market. Within Confcommercio I had various managerial roles up to being elected national president of the Young Entrepreneurs of Italy, a position I held from 1999 to 2003. From 2010 I'm in Board of Director of Assintel, italian IT companies' association.

In the world of public duty, I have been and I'm today a member of the Executive Board of the Trieste Chamber of Commerce since 2000. I'm graduated in business and economy at Perugia University with an executive master at Luiss University.


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