Design Methodologies You Can Stake Your Reputation On



Design Methodologies You Can Stake Your Reputation On

31. Januar 2024
Design Methodologies You Can Stake Your Reputation On
An experience and knowledge-based methodology delivered by CEDIA Instructor Keith Jones for business owners & system designers alike, join this innovative course to hear how high standards in world leading smart building design help build your reputation. This course explores the specific design methodologies that can be applied to each phase of a smart home or building project from pre-sale to handover. Broken up into bite-sized sections with interactivity in-between to help reinforce the learning experience and make sure the key points are grasped, the aim of this course is to ensure that attendees get to grips with the design methodology required to deliver a successful smart home or building project regardless of the brands or equipment chosen. Additionally, it covers the design documents required at each phase of a project and how to ensure these are delivered in the correct format and at the right time. Attendees can expect to walk away with the tools required to put their business on the same level as the architect in the eyes of the client, helping make every client a happy client.
Keith Jones, Co-Founder & User Experience Designer - designflow


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