ISE 2023 Exhibitor Monthly - December 2022


ISE 2023 Exhibitor Monthly - December 2022

ISE 2023 Exhibitor Monthly - December 2022
01 December 2022 00:00:00

This month we bring you some critical information which will help you and your organisation save time and money as you finalise your preparations for ISE 2023. This edition of the Exhibitor Update has three sections, and each section contains valuable instructions and guidelines to exhibitors and stand builders. 

  • Exhibitors and stand builders access: this includes access to ISE 2023, getting your printed badge and registering your stand builders.

  • Exhibitor onsite resources: covers catering outlets, free transportation tickets and Lead Retrieval.

  • Important exhibitor reminders: as always we have important reminders such as the deadline overview, schedule and useful resources (Event Manual, Registration Guide, Meeting Rooms Guide). For new exhibitors, a reminder of the Onboarding presentation.


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